
The Rural Caucus has sponsored and/or cosponsored numerous events since its inception to foster better understanding of rural issues within rural communities and among urban and rural legislators and state government representatives. 

Upcoming Events

Join Assemblymember Kristin Olsen and Assemblymember Henry T. Perea and the California State Legislative Rural Caucus for an Informational Briefing on Electricity Rates in the Central Valley

Friday, January 18, 2013
2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Fresno City College, Room 114
1101 East University Avenue
Fresno, CA 93741

For more information, please call (916) 319-2012 or (916) 319-2031 or email us at

Past Events

Join us for an Informational Briefing on Health Care Reform, HBEX and Changes in Healthy Families’ Impact on Rural California

Friday, November 30th, 2012
10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Modesto Center Plaza
1000 L Street
Modesto, CA 95354

Hear from those caring for Californians, health care administrators, stakeholders and policy experts on the rural patient’s healthcare experience and what changes they can expect.

For more information or to RSVP, please call (916) 319-2025 or email us at

The Medi-Cal Experience in Rural California informational briefing (2011) The California Legislative Rural Caucus met with the California State Rural Health Association and the California Medical Association to discuss challenges and solutions for rural Medi-Cal patients.

Link to presentations

The California Legislative Rural Caucus met with the California State Rural Health Association (2010-2011) for three informational hearings, focusing on the big picture of rural health in California. Topics covered: Health Information Technology impact on rural California, challenges, needs and new developments; rural workforce issues.

CSRHA has completed an assessment of all Critical Access Hospitals for eHealth and Meaningful Use.

Public Safety Town Hall Series (2003-2006)
These successful educational and informational town halls are conducted in rural districts statewide to educate citizens on how to protect children in school, prevent identification theft, and fight crime in our rural communities.

Legislative Natural Resources Tour (2002-2006)
This annual tour is designed to allow urban legislators to learn first hand about rural areas and the struggles they face to maintain economic development and healthy forests.

Natural Resources Summit (2002-2006)
This annual summit features various forestry and agricultural experts who address current natural resource issues surrounding forest preservation and protection in rural California.

Rural Education Summit (1999-2005)
This bi-annual statewide event, begun by former Senator Montieth and Assemblyman Cardoza, covers issues that pertain to the unique needs of rural schools including, but not limited to: implementation of “No Child Left Behind”, transportation costs, class size reduction, school facilities, declining enrollment, and access to quality teachers.

Rural Health Legislative Workshop Series (2004-2006)
CSRHA and the Rural Caucus hosted a series of three educational workshops for Rural Caucus members and their staff, government representatives, and rural leaders throughout the state to address priority issues for improving the health of rural communities in California.

Colorado River Seminar (2003)
This educational seminar was held in the State Capitol. Speakers discussed issues surrounding the statewide impact of the Quantification Settlement Agreement that apportions water from the Colorado River. This event was open to all California State Legislators and staff.

A Forum on Climate Change (2006)

Delta Conveyance/San Joaquin Valley Water Tour (2005-2006)
Partnering with the California Farm Water Coalition the Caucus held aerial and ground tours of the California Delta and the State Water Project. This allowed legislators to view the water delivery systems and ground water banks that help store and move water throughout our state.

A Forum on Climate Change (2006)
This forum, co-hosted by the Rural Caucus and the Forest Foundation, was presented to legislators, legislative staff and interested stakeholders on what the role of forests, forest management and biomass energy play in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

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